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BLACK Fennell Weymouth Show Bridle

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This Weymouth bridle is our top feature. The bridle itself includes the curb and snaffle headstalls and curb and snaffle reins. Cavesons are priced separately so you may choose from the different styles available. To best fit the American Saddlebred head as well as most other show horses, we have the bridle custom cut for us with full size crowns and cob size cheeks. There is no need to specify size or worry about getting a bridle whose cheeks must be adjusted all the way up to fit. While some heads require a special size, we find ours fitting nearly every show horse. Crowns are 3/8" throughout with a 3/8" curb rein and a 1/2" snaffle rein. Our laced show reins in this same category can be substituted for the flat reins. Add $37.50 to substitute either the curb or the snaffle or $75.00 to substitute both pairs.

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